Interfaith Emergency Services
Phone Number : 352-629-8868
Website : http://www.iesmarion.org/
Address : 435 NW 2nd Street, Ocala, FL – 34475
Prescription Assistance :
When emergency prescriptions assistance is needed, those who qualify are provided assistance with a 30 day supply through our prescription program. Partnering with local pharmacies, Interfaith provides funding for one time services (within a 12 month period), then refers the client to our Long Term Prescription Program if needed. Funds for this program are mostly generated through our Thrift Store and grants.
Gas Vouchers :
Families in crisis that have medical appointments at Shands Hospital in Gainesville, can apply for a voucher for gasoline. In conjunction with a local gas station, vouchers are provided in an amount so that families can travel to Gainesville and return home.
Emergency Assistance :
Those persons seeking assistance are interviewed by a Volunteer to determine how Interfaith can assist with their needs. Proper identification is required for those coming to Interfaith for help. For emergency funds that are provided for clients in need of medication and a variety of other services, the financial assistance is made directly to the provider. Interfaith, along with 35 other local agencies, uses a shared database called Pathways. This database allows agencies to record all services provided to individuals seeking assistance. This increases our productivity with data entry, as well as allowing us to monitor what other services clients receive so that duplication is eliminated. Many of the services we provided are listed below.
Food, Hygiene and Clothing Distribution :
After completing our intake process, food is distributed to those in need in amounts appropriate for their family and situation by our food pantry located in our warehouse. Interfaith uses the National Poverty Level as a guideline for those qualifying for assistance to determine eligibility. Hygiene items, which are not covered by food stamps, are a great need for our clients. Those items are provided to clients in the same manner as our food services. Food and hygiene items can be given 6 times a year. Clothes are provided every day for free to those in need.
Locations for food assistance include Ocala (Monday – Friday), Reddick (Wednesday
– Thursday) and Marion Oaks (Tuesday). Interfaith also supports satellite pantries in partnership with local churches at Fellowship Baptist and First Baptist of Ft McCoy. Other local pantries receive food from Interfaith’s pantry, when available, but must use the shared database, Pathways to prevent abuse.